The idea of dogmata was to write music with intuition, to have fun and not judge the outcome. Not being afraid of making mistakes or even writing bad music. In this project I tried to work fast and not censoring myself. In a sense it`s an exercise in improvising with sound, and using the unconscious mind to find ideas. To achieve this, I thought it was important with some ground rules. I believe creativity are in a way governed by rules and limitations, but of course not always. So, if I could make rules that were opened enough, and in a way encourage me to make music without too much conscious thought and self-criticism, this would be my dogma for my dogmata project. For each separate piece of music, or number of pieces of music, I could limit myself even more regarding instrumentation, colors, form and any other parameters.
This was the idea of dogmata, and also filling the free 180 minutes on Soundcloud with sound and music.
Per Åge Pedersen, 2021
Dogma rules:
0) Work With Time (1
1) Have fun
2) Improvise and play
3) Use every idea
4) Never censor yourself
5) Include Life (2
6) Work fast and with curiosity
7) Work with colors
8) Work with form
9) Work with text
10) Material Choices Have Consequences (3
1 - Let me start [2:49]
2 - The Old Guitarist [3:22]
3 - Panning five times with Anna - No 1 [1:02]
4 - Intermezzo I [1:00]
5 - Le piano [1:55]
6 - Intermezzo II [1:00]
7 - Januar - epilog [8:01]
8 - Panning five times with Anna - No 2 [1:02]
9 - Panning five times with Anna - No 3[0:58]
10 - Panning five times with Anna - No 4 [1:04]
11 - Panning five times with Anna - No 5 [1:04]
12 - Intermezzo III [1:02]
13 <–> 16 - WORKING THE WORD 1 [10:00
17 - Intermezzo IV [0:58]
18 - Leggero [4:00]
19 - 20 [2:30]
20 - Presto – Prestissimo [2:06]
21 - Intermezzo V [1:00]
22 - Lied [3:22]
23 - 5th [1:13]
24 - Three little Melodies [7:24]
25 - Intermezzo VI [1:08]
26<–> 29– WORKING THE WORD 2 [15:42]
30 - Intermezzo VII [1:08]
31 - November, Shcrei [3:04]
32 - Twitter [1:43]
33 - Fuck Bergman [3:57]
34 - Intermezzo VIII [1:00]
35 - tempo [3:35]
36 - Intermezzzo IX [1:04]
37 - Bonne Nuit [2:23]
38 - Sea interlude [1:41]
40 - Til Trude [0:55]
41 <–> 45 - WORKING THE WORD 3 [10:00]
46 - Intermezzzo X [1:05]
47 - quartetto 1 [4:08]
48 - Mars, geliebten Monolog [4:10]
49 - quartetto 2 [2:38]
50 - Intermezzo XI [0:59]
51 - quartetto 3 [2:19]
52 - quartetto 4 [4:00]
53 - poco allegretto [3:32]
54 - Intermezzo XII [1:07]
55 - noir [5:19]
56 - Winter 1 [3:26]
57 - rouge [3:42]
58 - Intermezzo - XIII [0:57]
59 - Winter 2 [3:11]
60 - Adagio [1:52]
61 - blanc [2:26]
62 - Winter 3 [1:44]
63 - Intermezzo - XIV [1:09]
64 - bleu [1:20]
65 - Es begab sich aber zu der Zeit, daß ein Gebot von dem Kaiser Augustus ausging … [2:39]
66 - Dezember, gefrorenen Dialog [4:26]
67 - Intermezzo – XV [0:57]
68 - Lamento di Parigi, parte 1 [4:09]
69 - Lamento di Parigi, parte 2 [4:24]
70 - Dogmata [3:23]
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